Definition of barrel




The word "barrel" has a fascinating history. The term "barrel" comes from the Old French word "baril," which is derived from the Latin word "barellum," meaning "wooden ring" or "ring of wood." In the 13th century, a barrel referred to a cylindrical wooden container used for transporting goods, such as wine, beer, or oil. The barrel's shape allowed it to be stacked efficiently, making it a practical and widely used vessel. Over time, the term "barrel" expanded to include other cylindrical shapes, such as casks and drums, which were also used for storing liquids. Today, the word "barrel" is used in various contexts, including music (e.g., "barrel house" piano style) and even sports (e.g., "barrel roll" in aerobatics). Despite its evolution, the word "barrel" remains connected to its humble origins as a simple wooden container for carrying goods.


a large round container, usually made of wood or metal, with flat ends and, usually, curved sides

một thùng tròn lớn, thường được làm bằng gỗ hoặc kim loại, có đầu phẳng và thường có các cạnh cong

  • a beer/wine barrel

    một thùng bia/rượu

  • They filled the barrels with cider.

    Họ đổ đầy rượu táo vào thùng.

  • The art of barrel-making is an ancient skill.

    Nghệ thuật đóng thùng là một kỹ năng cổ xưa.

the contents of or the amount contained in a barrel; a unit of measurement in the oil industry equal to between 120 and 159 litres

nội dung hoặc số lượng chứa trong thùng; một đơn vị đo lường trong ngành dầu khí tương đương từ 120 đến 159 lít

  • They got through two barrels of beer.

    Họ đã uống hết hai thùng bia.

  • Oil prices fell to $9 a barrel.

    Giá dầu giảm xuống còn 9 USD/thùng.

  • Crude oil prices hit record highs of more than $70 a barrel.

    Giá dầu thô đạt mức cao kỷ lục hơn 70 USD/thùng.

the part of a gun like a tube through which the bullets are fired

bộ phận của súng giống như một cái ống mà qua đó đạn được bắn ra

  • Tom found himself looking down the barrel of a gun.

    Tom thấy mình đang nhìn xuống nòng súng.

  • The barrel was aimed directly at me.

    Nòng súng nhắm thẳng vào tôi.

  • He fired one barrel and then fired again.

    Anh ta bắn một nòng rồi lại bắn.

Extra examples:
  • I felt the gun barrel at my head.

    Tôi cảm thấy nòng súng chĩa vào đầu mình.

  • Pulling his rifle to his shoulder he squinted along the barrel.

    Kéo khẩu súng trường lên vai, anh nheo mắt nhìn dọc theo nòng súng.


a barrel of laughs
(informal, often ironic)a lot of fun
  • Life hasn't exactly been a barrel of laughs lately.
  • be like shooting fish in a barrel
    (informal)used to emphasize how easy it is to do something
  • What do you mean you can't do it? It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel!
  • lock, stock and barrel
    including everything
  • He sold the business lock, stock and barrel.
  • (get/have somebody) over a barrel
    (informal)(to put/have somebody) in a situation in which they must accept or do what you want
  • They've got us over a barrel. Either we agree to their terms or we lose the money.
  • scrape (the bottom of) the barrel
    (disapproving)to have to use things or people that are not the best or most suitable because the ones that were the best or most suitable are no longer available