Definition of barbecue


tiệc nướng ngoài trời


Definition of undefined

The word "barbecue" has a rich and fascinating history. The term originates from the Taino people of the Caribbean, specifically in what is now the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The Taino word "barbacoa" referred to a method of slow-cooking meat over a wooden platform or grill. This technique was used to cook Casabe, a type of cassava bread, as well as meats like pork and fish. Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Caribbean in the 15th century and adopted the term "barbacoa" to describe this style of cooking. Over time, the word evolved into the modern English term "barbecue." Today, barbecue is enjoyed worldwide, often with a focus on slow-cooking meats like ribs, brisket, and chicken. Despite its widespread use, the original cultural roots and meaning of the word "barbecue" are still celebrated and honored by many communities around the globe.


a metal frame for cooking food on over an open fire outdoors

một khung kim loại để nấu thức ăn trên ngọn lửa ngoài trời

  • I put another steak on the barbecue.

    Tôi đặt một miếng bít tết khác lên thịt nướng.

  • a barbecue sausage (= cooked in this way)

    xúc xích nướng (= nấu theo cách này)

an outdoor meal or party when food is cooked in this way

một bữa ăn hoặc bữa tiệc ngoài trời khi thức ăn được nấu theo cách này

  • Let's have a barbecue!

    Hãy ăn thịt nướng đi!