Definition of astray


lạc đường


The word "astray" has a fascinating history. The term originated in the 14th century from the Old English words "æs" meaning "out of the way" and "stra" meaning "a road" or "a path". Initially, "astray" meant "to move away from a path or road", literally being off the beaten track. Over time, the meaning expanded to include being misled, confused, or going in the wrong direction, whether physically or metaphorically. In the 15th century, the phrase "to go astray" emerged, meaning to depart from the right path or correct behavior. Today, "astray" is used to describe someone or something that has wandered away from the intended course or has lost its way.


to become lost; to be stolen

trở nên lạc lối; bị đánh cắp

  • Several letters went astray or were not delivered.

    Một số lá thư bị thất lạc hoặc không được gửi.

  • We locked up our valuables so they would not go astray.

    Chúng tôi đã khóa những vật có giá trị của mình để chúng không bị thất lạc.

to go in the wrong direction or to have the wrong result

đi sai hướng hoặc có kết quả sai

  • Fortunately the gunman's shots went astray.

    May mắn thay, phát súng của tay súng đã đi chệch hướng.

  • The argument is so complex, a reader might easily go astray.

    Lập luận quá phức tạp, người đọc có thể dễ dàng lạc lối.


go astray
to become lost; to be stolen
  • Several letters went astray or were not delivered.
  • We locked up our valuables so they would not go astray.
  • to go in the wrong direction or to have the wrong result
  • Fortunately the gunman's shots went astray.
  • The argument is so complex, a reader might easily go astray.
  • lead somebody astray
    to make somebody go in the wrong direction or do things that are wrong
  • Jack's parents thought the other boys might lead him astray.