Definition of assail


tấn công


The word "assail" comes from the Middle English word "assaile" which in turn comes from the Old French word "asseiller" meaning "to attack" or "to assault." In Old French, the word "asseiller" referred to an action of attacking or assaulting. In Middle English, the word "assaile" was used to refer to an action of attacking or assaulting, following the Old French usage. The word "assail" was derived from the Middle English word "assaile" and ultimately from the Old French word "asseiller." Over time, the meaning of "assail" evolved to include any action or process of attacking or assaulting, particularly in the context of violent or hostile matters. It came to describe any action or process of attacking or assaulting in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of violent or hostile matters. Today, "assail" is still used to describe any action or process of attacking or assaulting, particularly in the context of violent or hostile matters. In summary, the word "assail" originated in Old French from the word "asseiller," which means "to attack" or "to assault." Its original meaning referred to an action of attacking or assaulting, but its meaning evolved to include any action or process of attacking or assaulting, particularly in the context of violent or hostile matters.


to attack somebody/something violently, either physically or with words

tấn công ai/cái gì một cách bạo lực, bằng vũ lực hoặc bằng lời nói

  • His attacker assailed him with fierce blows to the head.

    Kẻ tấn công đã tấn công anh ta bằng những cú đánh dữ dội vào đầu.

  • The proposal was assailed by the opposition party.

    Đề xuất này đã bị đảng đối lập phản đối.

  • A vile smell assailed my nostrils.

    Một mùi hôi thối xộc vào mũi tôi.

to worry or upset somebody severely

lo lắng hoặc làm ai đó khó chịu một cách nghiêm trọng

  • to be assailed by worries/doubts/fears

    bị tấn công bởi những lo lắng/nghi ngờ/sợ hãi