Definition of anything


việc gì, vật gì, bất cứ việc gì, vật gì


Definition of undefined

The word "anything" has roots in Old English, combining the words "an" (one) and "þing" (thing). It originally meant "one thing." Over time, the meaning shifted to encompass "any one thing" and eventually, "any matter or thing whatsoever." This shift reflected the evolution of language, as people used "anything" to refer to a broader range of possibilities. The modern spelling "anything" came about in the 15th century, as the "þ" sound was replaced by the letter "th".


used instead of something in negative sentences and in questions; after if/whether; and after verbs such as prevent, ban, avoid, etc.

dùng thay cho something trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi; sau nếu/liệu; và sau các động từ như ngăn chặn, cấm, tránh, v.v.

  • Would you like anything else?

    Bạn có muốn cái gì khác không?

  • There's never anything worth watching on TV.

    Không bao giờ có gì đáng xem trên TV.

  • If you remember anything at all, please let us know.

    Nếu bạn nhớ được điều gì, xin vui lòng cho chúng tôi biết.

  • We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening.

    Chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ ngăn chặn được điều gì đó khó chịu xảy ra.

any thing at all, when it does not matter which

bất cứ điều gì, khi điều đó không quan trọng

  • I'm so hungry, I'll eat anything.

    Tôi đói quá, tôi sẽ ăn bất cứ thứ gì.

any thing of importance

bất cứ điều gì quan trọng

  • Is there anything (= any truth) in these rumours?

    Có điều gì (= bất kỳ sự thật nào) trong những tin đồn này không?


anything but
definitely not
  • The hotel was anything but cheap.
  • It wasn't cheap. Anything but.
  • anything like somebody/something
    (informal)similar to somebody/something
  • He isn't anything like my first boss.
  • as happy, quick, etc. as anything
    (informal)very happy, quick, etc.
  • I felt as pleased as anything.
  • like anything
    (British English, informal)very much
  • They're always slagging me off like anything.
  • not anything like as good, much, etc.
    used to emphasize that something is not as good, not enough, etc.
  • The book wasn't anything like as good as her first one.
  • not for anything
    (informal)definitely not
  • I wouldn't give it up for anything.
  • or anything
    (informal)or another thing of a similar type
  • If you want to call a meeting or anything, just let me know.