Definition of airway


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The word "airway" has its roots in the mid-17th century. During the 1600s, pilots and navigators used the term "airway" to describe a path or route taken through the air. This could refer to a flight plan, a migration route for birds or insects, or even a hypothetical passage through the air. Over time, the term became more formalized and was adopted by the fields of aviation and medicine. In aviation, an airway was a specific route or corridor used for navigation, often marked by beacons or radio signals. In medicine, the term airway was applied to the passage by which air enters the lungs, including the nose, mouth, trachea, and bronchi. Today, the word "airway" is used in both contexts to refer to a specific pathway or route, whether in the sky or within the human body.


the passage from the nose and throat to the lungs, through which you breathe

đường đi từ mũi và họng đến phổi, nơi bạn thở

  • Prevent the tongue falling back and obstructing the airway.

    Ngăn ngừa lưỡi tụt về phía sau và cản trở đường thở.

a route regularly used by planes

một tuyến đường thường xuyên được máy bay sử dụng

  • British Airways

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