Definition of agility


sự nhanh nhẹn


The word "agility" has its roots in the Latin word "agilis," meaning "able to move quickly and easily." This, in turn, stems from the verb "agere," meaning "to act" or "to do." The concept of "agility" evolved over time, encompassing not just physical dexterity but also mental quickness and adaptability. The word first appeared in English in the 14th century, initially referring to the ability of a bird to fly swiftly and easily. Over time, its meaning broadened to include human movement and mental sharpness, becoming the versatile term we know today.


the ability to move quickly and easily

khả năng di chuyển nhanh chóng và dễ dàng

  • As a player, she combines strength and agility.

    Là một người chơi, cô ấy kết hợp sức mạnh và sự nhanh nhẹn.

the ability to think quickly and in an intelligent way

khả năng suy nghĩ nhanh chóng và một cách thông minh

  • mental/intellectual/verbal agility

    sự nhanh nhẹn về tinh thần/trí tuệ/lời nói