Definition of responsiveness


khả năng phản ứng


The word "responsiveness" has its origins in the Latin words "responsio" and "responsive", both of which mean "an answer" or "a reply". In the 14th century, the term "responsiveness" emerged in English to describe the quality of being responsive or giving answers. Initially, it referred to a person's ability to respond or react to something, such as a stimulus or a question. Over time, the meaning of "responsiveness" expanded to include the idea of a system or process that is capable of adapting or responding to changing conditions or inputs. In the context of technology, responsiveness refers to the speed and efficiency with which a system responds to user input, such as a website loading quickly or a mobile app reacting to touch gestures. In general, responsiveness implies a sense of fluidity, adaptability, and quick reaction to changes or stimuli.


the ability to react quickly and in a positive way to something

khả năng phản ứng nhanh chóng và tích cực với một điều gì đó

  • a lack of responsiveness to client needs

    thiếu khả năng đáp ứng nhu cầu của khách hàng

an interested and enthusiastic reaction to somebody/something

phản ứng hứng thú và nhiệt tình với ai đó/cái gì đó

  • His letters express his profound responsiveness to nature and beauty.

    Những lá thư của ông thể hiện sự cảm thông sâu sắc của ông với thiên nhiên và cái đẹp.