Definition of achiever


người đạt được thành tựu


The word "achiever" has its roots in the 15th century English language. The term stems from the verb "achieve," which means to accomplish or attain something through effort and perseverance. The noun form "achiever" emerged in the mid-15th century, originally meaning one who achieves or accomplishes something, often through hard work and dedication. Over time, the term "achiever" evolved to encompass a broader meaning, describing someone who consistently strives for success, sets and achieves ambitious goals, and demonstrates a strong work ethic. In modern usage, being called an "achiever" is often a term of praise, indicating a person's remarkable ability to overcome challenges and achieve notable accomplishments. Today, the term is frequently used in personal development, education, and business to describe individuals who embody these qualities.


a person who achieves a high level of success, especially in their career

một người đạt được mức độ thành công cao, đặc biệt là trong sự nghiệp của họ

a person who achieves the particular level of success that is stated

một người đạt được mức độ thành công cụ thể đã nêu

  • a low achiever

    một người có thành tích thấp