Definition of wriggle


quằn quại


The origin of the word "wriggle" can be traced back to the Middle English language during the 14th century. At that time, the word was spelled "wriggelen" and was used to describe the wiggling or twisting movement of snakes and other worm-like creatures. The term "wriggelen" is derived from the Old English word "wrig" meaning "twisted, crooked," and the Old Norse word "gla" meaning "to move, to wriggle." The Old English term, in turn, is believed to have originated from the Proto-Germanic root "wrigk-," which meant the same as "wrig" and "wriggelen." The word "wriggle" has been in use in its modern form, meaning "to twist or writhe in a narrow or confined space," since the 16th century. Its original meaning, of course, has extended beyond snakes and worms, and now it's used to describe a wide range of movements, such as the wiggling of small children trying to get out of a crib or the maneuvering of a person into a tight space like a box or suitcase. In sum, the origin of the word "wriggle" is rooted in the Middle English era and its meaning can be traced back to the Old English word "wrig" and Old Norse word "gla." It has evolved over time, but it still retains its original association with twisting and writhing despite now covering a broad range of movements beyond snakes and worms.


to twist and turn your body or part of it with quick, short movements

vặn và xoay cơ thể hoặc một phần của nó bằng những chuyển động nhanh và ngắn

  • The baby was wriggling around on my lap.

    Đứa bé đang ngọ nguậy trong lòng tôi.

  • She wriggled her toes.

    Cô ngọ nguậy ngón chân.

Extra examples:
  • The children wriggled uncomfortably in their seats.

    Bọn trẻ ngọ nguậy khó chịu trên chỗ ngồi của mình.

  • Can you wriggle your toes?

    Bạn có thể vặn vẹo ngón chân của bạn?

  • She wriggled like an embarrassed child.

    Cô ngọ nguậy như một đứa trẻ xấu hổ.

Related words and phrases

to move somewhere by twisting and turning your body or part of it

di chuyển đi đâu đó bằng cách vặn và xoay cơ thể của bạn hoặc một phần của nó

  • The fish wriggled out of my fingers.

    Con cá trườn ra khỏi ngón tay tôi.

  • She managed to wriggle free.

    Cô cố gắng vùng vẫy tự do.

  • They wriggled their way through the tunnel.

    Họ luồn lách qua đường hầm.

  • He wriggled himself into a comfortable position.

    Anh vặn mình vào tư thế thoải mái.

Extra examples:
  • She wriggled her way under the heavy eiderdown.

    Cô luồn lách dưới lớp lông tơ dày đặc.

  • She wriggled out of his grip.

    Cô vùng vẫy thoát khỏi vòng tay của anh.

  • The dog wriggled free of his grasp and ran off.

    Con chó vùng khỏi tay anh và bỏ chạy.

  • The dog managed to wriggle free from his grasp.

    Con chó cố vùng vẫy thoát khỏi vòng tay của anh ta.

  • The fish wriggled out of my grasp.

    Con cá ngoằn ngoèo khỏi tầm tay của tôi.

Related words and phrases