Definition of wiggle


ngọ nguậy


The origin of the word "wiggle" can be traced back to the Old English word "wiggelan," which means "to move sideways or from place to place." These roots can also be found in the Middle English word "wygelen," which had a similar meaning. Over time, the word "wiggle" evolved in its spelling and pronunciation. By the 15th century, it had taken on a more specific meaning and was mainly used to describe the motion of something thin and flexible, such as a snake or a line. The modern usage of the word "wiggle" to describe a small, quick movement, such as wiggling one's fingers, emerged in the late 19th century. This usage is likely influenced by the meaning of the word "wiggle" in the context of dancing or gymnastics, where it describes quick, spiral-like movements. However, the specific origin of this usage is unclear, as the word "wiggle" was not well-documented during this time period. It is possible that it emerged from regional dialects or informal slang, as words often evolve in this way. Despite the evolution of the word, its origins remain rooted in Old English, highlighting the continuity of language over time.

  • The baby loved to wiggle her toes in her socks.

    Em bé thích ngọ nguậy các ngón chân trong tất.

  • The worm wriggled and wiggled through the soil.

    Con giun ngọ nguậy và luồn lách trong đất.

  • The fish wiggled indefinitely on the line in the water.

    Con cá ngọ nguậy không ngừng trên sợi dây trong nước.

  • The dog's tail wiggled excitedly when he saw his owner.

    Đuôi của chú chó vẫy vẫy đầy phấn khích khi nhìn thấy chủ của mình.

  • After applying the lubricant, the joint wiggled without any resistance.

    Sau khi bôi trơn, khớp chuyển động mà không gặp bất kỳ lực cản nào.

  • The rabbit bounced around and wiggled its nose in the air.

    Con thỏ nhảy xung quanh và ngoáy mũi trong không khí.

  • The pebble wiggled in the stream as the water flowed around it.

    Viên sỏi lắc lư trong dòng nước chảy xung quanh nó.

  • The jellyfish wiggled its tentacles as it swam in the ocean.

    Con sứa ngọ nguậy xúc tu khi bơi dưới đại dương.

  • The fly wiggled and buzzed around the room in search of a spot to land.

    Con ruồi ngọ nguậy và vo ve khắp phòng để tìm chỗ đậu.

  • The pianist's fingers wiggled across the keys, creating a beautiful melody.

    Những ngón tay của nghệ sĩ piano lướt trên phím đàn, tạo nên một giai điệu tuyệt đẹp.

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