Definition of wink


nháy mắt


The origin of the word "wink" can be traced back to the Old English word "wegin," which meant "to move quickly" or "to shake" as it used to refer to the rapid blinking of an eye. This vocalization evolved over time, and by the Middle English period, the word "wynk" was used to mean "a quick movement of the eyelid," indicating a brief closing of the eye. The modern usage of "wink" to mean a deliberate, brief closure of the eye as a form of communication has been in use since the 14th century. The word "wink" comes from the Old Norse word "vinnkja," which referred to the rapid blinking of an eye. The Middle English word "wynken" also referred to the blinking of an eye, but it had a broader meaning that included movements other than blinking, such as nodding or shaking the head. Today, "wink" is a very common word in the English language that is used to convey various meanings, including flirtatiousness, humor, or secrecy. It is an excellent example of a word that has evolved over time, adapting to changing cultural norms while preserving its core meaning. Whether it is a playful game between friends or a subtle signal between lovers, the history of "wink" demonstrates the resilience and enduring nature of the English language.


to close one eye and open it again quickly, especially as a private signal to somebody, or to show something is a joke

nhắm một mắt rồi mở lại nhanh chóng, đặc biệt là khi ra hiệu riêng cho ai đó, hoặc thể hiện điều gì đó là một trò đùa

  • He winked at her and she knew he was thinking the same thing that she was.

    Anh nháy mắt với cô và cô biết anh cũng đang nghĩ điều tương tự như cô.

Extra examples:
  • He winked broadly at Lucinda.

    Anh nháy mắt rộng rãi với Lucinda.

  • I saw him wink at her.

    Tôi thấy anh ấy nháy mắt với cô ấy.

  • She winked at me, and I winked back.

    Cô ấy nháy mắt với tôi, và tôi nháy mắt lại.

  • She winked knowingly at Jack.

    Cô nháy mắt đầy hiểu biết với Jack.

Related words and phrases

to shine with an unsteady light; to flash on and off

tỏa sáng với ánh sáng không ổn định; để bật và tắt đèn flash

  • We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance.

    Chúng tôi có thể nhìn thấy ánh đèn của con tàu nhấp nháy ở phía xa.

Related words and phrases