Definition of whirl


vòng xoáy


The origin of the word "whirl" can be traced back to the Old English word "hwyrlen," which meant "to spiral" or "to turn." This word evolved over time, with the Middle English "guirlen" and the Old Norse "hrýlr" both sharing a similar meaning. In Middle English, "guirlen" combined with the prefix "whi-," which meant "around" or "about," to create the word "whirlen," which again meant "to turn or spiral around." This word continued to evolve as it made its way into modern English, with the spelling of "whirlen" becoming "whirlen" in Early Modern English before finally being spelled as "whirl" by the 16th century. Interestingly, the modern meaning of "whirl" as "a rapid circular motion" is relatively recent, dating back to the late 16th century. Prior to this, the word "whirl" was used to refer to the process of twisting or spiraling, rather than the resulting motion. Overall, the origin of "whirl" reflects the Anglo-Saxon and Germanic languages from which it originated, highlighting the value placed on words that describe physical movements and directions.


to move, or make somebody/something move, around quickly in a circle or in a particular direction

di chuyển hoặc làm cho ai/cái gì đó di chuyển nhanh chóng theo vòng tròn hoặc theo một hướng cụ thể

  • Leaves whirled in the wind.

    Những chiếc lá quay cuồng trong gió.

  • She whirled around to face him.

    Cô xoay người lại đối mặt với anh.

  • They ducked to avoid the whirling blades of the helicopter.

    Họ cúi xuống để tránh những cánh quạt xoáy của chiếc trực thăng.

  • Tom whirled her across the dance floor.

    Tom xoay cô qua sàn nhảy.

Extra examples:
  • He grasped her wrist and whirled her back to face him.

    Anh nắm lấy cổ tay cô và xoay cô lại đối mặt với anh.

  • He whirled her around the dance floor.

    Anh xoay cô vòng quanh sàn nhảy.

  • She whirled on him, furious.

    Cô giận dữ lao vào anh.

  • She whirled round and round, flinging out her arms.

    Cô xoay người lại, vung hai tay ra.

  • The gulls were whirling and shrieking in the sky above.

    Những con mòng biển đang quay cuồng và kêu thét trên bầu trời phía trên.

Related words and phrases

if your mind, thoughts, etc. whirl, you feel confused and excited and cannot think clearly

nếu đầu óc, suy nghĩ của bạn quay cuồng, bạn cảm thấy bối rối, phấn khích và không thể suy nghĩ rõ ràng

  • I couldn't sleep—my mind was whirling from all that had happened.

    Tôi không thể ngủ được - đầu óc tôi quay cuồng vì tất cả những gì đã xảy ra.

  • So many thoughts whirled around in her mind.

    Bao nhiêu suy nghĩ quay cuồng trong đầu cô.

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases