Definition of warp


làm cong


The word "warp" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. The term originated in the 7th century to describe the process of twisting or turning fibers, such as wool or flax, into a thread or yarn. This twisting process was essential in creating fabric, and the word "warp" became associated with the vertical threads in a woven fabric that run parallel to the selvedge (the finished edge). In the 14th century, the term "warp" also began to refer to the physical act of twisting or distorting something, such as bending a piece of wood or warping a ship's hull. This secondary meaning has likely arisen from the similarity in sound and function between the two concepts. Over time, the word "warp" has expanded to encompass a range of meanings, from fabric production to physics and beyond.


to become, or make something become twisted, or bent out of its natural shape, for example because it has become too hot, too wet, etc.

trở thành, hoặc làm cho một cái gì đó trở nên xoắn, hoặc uốn cong ra khỏi hình dạng tự nhiên của nó, ví dụ vì nó trở nên quá nóng, quá ẩm ướt, v.v.

  • The window frames had begun to warp.

    Các khung cửa sổ đã bắt đầu cong vênh.

to influence somebody so that they begin to behave in an unacceptable way

gây ảnh hưởng đến ai đó để họ bắt đầu hành xử một cách không thể chấp nhận được

  • His judgement was warped by prejudice.

    Sự phán xét của ông đã bị thành kiến ​​bóp méo.