Definition of wallet


cái ví


Definition of undefined

The word "wallet" has a fascinating history. The term "wallet" is derived from the Old English words "wæl" meaning "fold" and "het" meaning "container" or "bag". In the 13th century, a wallet referred to a cloth or leather bag used to carry personal items, such as money, documents, and other valuables. This bag was often worn around the waist or attached to a belt, hence the term "wallet". Over time, the definition of a wallet shifted to refer specifically to a small leather or fabric case used to carry currency and other financial documents, such as credit cards and identification. Today, wallets come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, but their fundamental purpose remains the same: to provide a safe and convenient way to carry personal and financial items.


a small, flat, folding case made of leather or plastic used for keeping paper money and credit cards in

một chiếc hộp nhỏ, phẳng, có thể gấp lại được làm bằng da hoặc nhựa dùng để đựng tiền giấy và thẻ tín dụng

  • He carried a photo of his children in his wallet.

    Anh ta mang theo ảnh của các con trong ví.

  • He pulled a €50 note out of his fat wallet.

    Anh ta rút tờ 50 euro ra khỏi chiếc ví béo bở của mình.

Extra examples:
  • a wallet containing more than £100

    một chiếc ví chứa hơn 100 bảng

  • a wallet stuffed with fifty-dollar bills

    một cái ví nhét đầy những tờ năm mươi đô la

  • a wallet containing credit cards

    một chiếc ví chứa thẻ tín dụng

Related words and phrases

a flat case made of leather, plastic or card for carrying documents in

một chiếc hộp phẳng làm bằng da, nhựa hoặc thẻ để đựng tài liệu

  • a document wallet

    ví tài liệu