Definition of vet


bác sĩ thú y


Definition of undefined

The word "vet" as a shortened form of "veterinarian" originated in the mid-20th century. The term "veterinarian" comes from the Latin words "vetus," meaning "old" and "arius," meaning "pertaining to." In medical contexts, an old animal, or one that has served, was referred to as a "vetus." As the Latin term evolved into "veterinarian," it referred to a doctor or healer of animals. Over time, the term "vet" emerged as a colloquialism and contraction of "veterinarian," especially in informal settings. It was first recorded in the 1960s and gained widespread use in the 1970s. Today, the word "vet" is widely recognized as a shortened form of "veterinarian" and is commonly used in fields such as medicine, animal care, and beyond.


a person who has been trained in the science of animal medicine, whose job is to treat animals who are sick or injured

người đã được đào tạo về khoa học thú y, có nhiệm vụ chữa trị cho động vật bị bệnh hoặc bị thương

  • We had to take the dog to the local vet.

    Chúng tôi phải đưa con chó đến bác sĩ thú y địa phương.

the place where a vet works

nơi bác sĩ thú y làm việc

  • I've got to take the dog to the vet's tomorrow.

    Ngày mai tôi phải đưa con chó đến bác sĩ thú y.

a person who has been a soldier, sailor, etc. in a war

một người đã từng là một người lính, thủy thủ, vv trong một cuộc chiến

  • a Vietnam vet

    a Vietnam vet

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