Definition of vendetta


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The word "vendetta" originates from Italian, specifically from the Sicilian dialect. It dates back to the 14th century and is derived from the Latin phrase "vindicta," meaning "revenge" or "vengeance." In Sicily, a vendetta was a blood feud where families, often due to honor or revenge, sought to exact blood revenge against each other. This messianic feud, known as "vendetta palermitana," was particularly prevalent in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The concept of vendetta was rooted in the ancient code of honor, where family and personal reputation were paramount. This ancient feud continues to fascinate and intrigue people to this day, inspiring literature, film, and even modern-day mafia stories. I hope this brief history of the word "vendetta" was helpful!


a long period of violence between two families or groups, in which people are murdered in return for previous murders

một thời gian dài bạo lực giữa hai gia đình hoặc nhóm, trong đó mọi người bị sát hại để trả thù cho những vụ giết người trước đó

Related words and phrases

a long argument or campaign in which one person or group does or says things to harm another

một cuộc tranh luận hoặc chiến dịch dài trong đó một người hoặc một nhóm làm hoặc nói những điều gây hại cho người khác

  • He has accused the media of pursuing a vendetta against him.

    Ông cáo buộc giới truyền thông đang trả thù ông.

  • She conducted a personal vendetta against me.

    Cô ấy đã trả thù cá nhân tôi.