Definition of upward


hướng lên, đi lên


Definition of undefined

The word "upward" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. The earliest recorded use of the word "upward" dates back to the 9th century, where it was written as "upwurd" or "upwyrde". This primitive form of the word derived from the Old English words "up" meaning "away from" or "removed from" and "wurd" meaning "ward" or "direction". Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved to become "upward", which is now commonly used to indicate movement or direction towards a higher position or point. For instance, "The ball went upward and landed on the ceiling" or "The company is moving upward in the market". Throughout its development, the word "upward" has retained its core meaning of denoting an increase in vertical position or direction.


pointing towards or facing a higher place

chỉ về phía hoặc hướng về một nơi cao hơn

  • an upward gaze

    một cái nhìn hướng lên

  • Any expansion would have to be upward.

    Bất kỳ sự mở rộng nào cũng sẽ phải hướng lên trên.

increasing in amount or price

tăng về số lượng hoặc giá cả

  • an upward movement in property prices

    xu hướng tăng giá bất động sản

  • an upward trend in the rate of unemployment

    xu hướng tăng tỷ lệ thất nghiệp

  • The long-term trend in foreign direct investment is upward.

    Xu hướng dài hạn của đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài là đi lên.

Related words and phrases

Phrasal verbs