Definition of unsociable


không thể phân biệt được


The word "unsociable" traces its roots back to the Latin word "socius," meaning "companion" or "ally." "Sociable" emerged in the 14th century, meaning "disposed to companionship." Adding the prefix "un-" to "sociable" in the 16th century created "unsociable," which means "not sociable" or "averse to companionship." Essentially, "unsociable" signifies a lack of the characteristic of being sociable.


not enjoying the company of other people; not friendly

không thích bầu bạn với người khác; không thân thiện

  • I was feeling very unsociable, so I didn’t go to the party.

    Tôi cảm thấy rất khó gần nên đã không đến bữa tiệc.

  • We’ve got guests. Why are you being so unsociable?

    Chúng tôi có khách. Tại sao bạn lại khó gần như vậy?

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