Definition of unlisted


không được liệt kê


The word "unlisted" has its origins in the early 19th century. In the 1820s, the first telephone directories were created, listing the names and phone numbers of subscribers. Those who didn't want their numbers publicly available would deliberately avoid subscribing or wouldn't list their numbers in these directories. Over time, "unlisted" became a term to describe phone numbers that weren't included in these directories. In the mid-20th century, as telephone directories became more comprehensive, the term "unlisted" took on a broader meaning. It referred to any phone number that was not publicly accessible or not available for directory assistance. The rise of private numbers and caller ID further solidified the usage of "unlisted" to describe numbers that were intentionally kept from public view. Today, the term is commonly used in various contexts, including phone numbers, email addresses, and other forms of contact information, to describe information that is not publicly disclosed or easily accessible.


not on a published list, especially of stock exchange prices

không có trong danh sách được công bố, đặc biệt là giá trên sàn giao dịch chứng khoán

  • an unlisted company

    một công ty chưa niêm yết

not listed in the public phone book or online directory, at the request of the owner of the phone. The phone company will not give unlisted numbers to people who ask for them.

không được liệt kê trong danh bạ điện thoại công cộng hoặc danh bạ trực tuyến, theo yêu cầu của chủ sở hữu điện thoại. Công ty điện thoại sẽ không cung cấp số điện thoại không được liệt kê cho những người yêu cầu.

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