Definition of trivia


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The word "trivia" originated from the Latin word "trivium," which translates to "a place where three roads meet." This term initially referred to the intersection of three main branches of education in ancient Rome: grammar, rhetoric, and logic. These subjects were considered essential for a well-rounded liberal arts education, and they formed the base for further studies in higher learning. Over time, the meaning of "trivium" evolved to refer to trivial or inconsequential information. It was a drastic shift from its original meaning, as the term now describes facts that are deemed of little or no importance. These bits of trivia are typically included in quizzes or games as a form of entertainment or to test one's knowledge. The term "trivia" first appeared in print during the 17th century when it was used to describe details that were considered unimportant or irrelevant. Its modern interpretation, however, has shifted to take on a more lighthearted and playful connotation. Nowadays, people often enjoy learning and sharing trivia as a fun and entertaining pastime.


unimportant matters, details or information

những vấn đề, chi tiết hoặc thông tin không quan trọng

  • We spent the whole evening discussing domestic trivia.

    Chúng tôi dành cả buổi tối để thảo luận những chuyện vặt vãnh trong gia đình.

facts about many subjects that are used in a game to test people’s knowledge

sự thật về nhiều chủ đề được sử dụng trong trò chơi để kiểm tra kiến ​​thức của mọi người

  • a trivia quiz

    một câu đố vui