Definition of trimester


khoảng ba tháng


The word "trimester" refers to a period of three months, specifically in relation to pregnancy. The term "trimester" comes from the Latin word "tri-" meaning "three" and the Greek word "-mestros" meaning "to sit," which was a reference to the observation that a fetus typically stops moving around in the uterus during the third trimester. The concept of dividing pregnancy into three equal parts, each lasting around three months, was proposed by the Dutch obstetrician and anatomist Nicolaas Tulp in the 17th century, although the term "trimester" was not commonly used until the 19th century. Today, the first trimester is generally considered to be the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the second trimester is the period from week 13 to week 27, and the third trimester is from week 28 to week 40.


a period of three months during the time when a woman is pregnant

khoảng thời gian ba tháng khi một người phụ nữ mang thai

  • the first trimester of pregnancy

    ba tháng đầu của thai kỳ

one of the three periods in the year during which classes are held in schools, universities, etc.

một trong ba giai đoạn trong năm trong đó các lớp học được tổ chức ở các trường học, trường đại học, v.v.

  • The school year is divided into three trimesters.

    Năm học được chia thành ba học kỳ.

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