Definition of transient


tạm thời


The word "transient" originates from the Latin "transire," which means "to go across" or "to pass over." In Middle English, the word "transient" emerged in the 14th century, derived from the Old French "transit," meaning "journey" or "passage." Initially, the word referred to a temporary stay or short period of time spent in a place. Over time, the meaning of "transient" expanded to include anything that is temporary or fleeting, such as a transient phenomenon or a transient guest. In modern English, the word is often used to describe people, events, or things that are temporary, such as a homeless person living on the streets or a transient worker who moves from job to job. Throughout its evolution, the core idea of "transient" has remained constant, emphasizing the brief and temporary nature of something or someone.


continuing for only a short time

chỉ tiếp tục trong một thời gian ngắn

  • the transient nature of speech

    bản chất nhất thời của lời nói

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staying or working in a place for only a short time, before moving on

chỉ ở hoặc làm việc ở một nơi trong một thời gian ngắn trước khi chuyển đi

  • a city with a large transient population (= of students, temporary workers, etc.)

    một thành phố có dân số thoáng qua lớn (= sinh viên, công nhân tạm thời, v.v.)

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