Definition of throwaway


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"Throwaway" originated in the late 19th century, likely from the literal act of throwing something away. The word evolved from the verb "throw away," which itself derives from the Old English "þrawan," meaning "to twist, turn, or throw." "Throwaway" initially referred to something discarded or unimportant. By the mid-20th century, it gained its modern sense, encompassing both literal disposability and figurative insignificance, as in "throwaway culture" or "throwaway lines."


something you say quickly without careful thought, sometimes in order to be funny

điều gì đó bạn nói nhanh mà không suy nghĩ cẩn thận, đôi khi để gây cười

  • She was very upset at what to him was just a throwaway remark.

    Cô rất khó chịu vì điều mà đối với anh chỉ là một lời nhận xét vứt đi.

produced cheaply and intended to be thrown away after use

được sản xuất với giá rẻ và có ý định vứt đi sau khi sử dụng

  • throwaway products

    sản phẩm vứt đi

  • We live in a throwaway society (= a society in which things are not made to last a long time).

    Chúng ta sống trong một xã hội vứt đi (= một xã hội trong đó mọi thứ không được tạo ra để tồn tại lâu dài).

Related words and phrases


cock an ear/eye at something/somebody
to look at or listen to something/somebody carefully and with a lot of attention
cock a snook at somebody/something
(British English)to say or do something that clearly shows you do not respect somebody/something
  • to cock a snook at authority