Definition of thaw


tan băng


The word "thaw" originates from the Old Norse word "thauðr," meaning "melting" or "deceasing." It was borrowed into Middle English in the late 13th century, where it was first recorded as "thawen," which meant "to melt" or "to become soft." Initially, the word "thaw" was primarily used to describe the melting of snow or ice due to rising temperatures. In its earliest forms, thaw was used as both a transitive and intransitive verb. For example, "The sun thawed the snow" or "The snow thawed" (meaning "The snow melted.") The term also had figurative uses, such as "to thaw one's heart" or "to thaw out frozen emotions," which came into use by the 17th century. Today, the meaning of "thaw" has expanded slightly to encompass any process of melting or defrosting, as in "Thaw the turkey before cooking it." In summary, the word "thaw" originated from Old Norse and evolved through Middle English, where it developed both transitive and intransitive meanings, and continued to be widely used with changing connotations over time.


to turn back into water after being frozen

trở lại thành nước sau khi bị đóng băng

  • The country was slowly thawing out after the long cold winter.

    Đất nước đang dần tan băng sau mùa đông dài lạnh giá.

Extra examples:
  • The snow started to thaw as the temperature kept up.

    Tuyết bắt đầu tan khi nhiệt độ tiếp tục tăng.

  • If a pipe (= the water in a pipe) has frozen, it can be thawed out with a hairdryer.

    Nếu một đường ống (= nước trong đường ống) đã đóng băng, nó có thể được làm tan bằng máy sấy tóc.

Related words and phrases

when it thaws or is thawing, the weather becomes warm enough to melt snow and ice

khi tan băng hoặc đang tan băng, thời tiết trở nên ấm áp đủ để làm tan băng tuyết

  • It's starting to thaw.

    Nó đang bắt đầu tan băng.

to become, or to let frozen food become, soft or liquid ready for cooking

trở thành, hoặc làm cho thực phẩm đông lạnh trở nên mềm hoặc lỏng sẵn sàng để nấu

  • Leave the meat to thaw completely before cooking.

    Để thịt rã đông hoàn toàn trước khi nấu.

Extra examples:
  • I'll take a quiche out of the freezer and thaw it out in the microwave.

    Tôi sẽ lấy bánh quiche ra khỏi tủ đông và rã đông trong lò vi sóng.

  • If frozen food has thawed out it should never be refrozen.

    Nếu thực phẩm đông lạnh đã tan hết thì không bao giờ nên đông lạnh lại.

Related words and phrases

to become, or make something become, a normal temperature after being very cold

trở thành, hoặc làm cho cái gì đó trở thành nhiệt độ bình thường sau khi rất lạnh

  • I could feel my ears and toes start to thaw out.

    Tôi có thể cảm thấy tai và ngón chân của mình bắt đầu tan băng.

to become more friendly and less formal

trở nên thân thiện hơn và ít trang trọng hơn

  • Relations between the two countries thawed a little after the talks.

    Quan hệ giữa hai nước tan băng một chút sau cuộc đàm phán.

  • The atmosphere slowly began to thaw.

    Bầu không khí dần dần bắt đầu tan băng.

  • The old nun was as imperious as ever, but visibly thawed when she saw the children.

    Vị nữ tu già vẫn hống hách như mọi khi, nhưng rõ ràng đã dịu đi khi nhìn thấy bọn trẻ.