Definition of synthetic


tổng hợp


The word "synthetic" stems from the Greek prefix "syn-" meaning "together" and the verb "tithenai" meaning "to put, place, set." Together, they form the root word "syntithenai," which translates to "to put together." The term "synthesis" was first used by elementary school teacher Johann Benedict Listrohn in the late 18th century, who coined it to describe a process of combining different elements to produce a new whole. The term "synthetic" emerged later in the 19th century, describing materials or substances that were artificially produced using chemical synthesis, as opposed to occurring naturally. Today, the word "synthetic" is used broadly to describe anything that is artificial, imitation, or manufactured, rather than natural or organic.


artificial; made by combining chemical substances rather than being produced naturally by plants or animals

nhân tạo; được tạo ra bằng cách kết hợp các chất hóa học thay vì được sản xuất tự nhiên bởi thực vật hoặc động vật

  • synthetic drugs/fabrics

    ma túy/vải tổng hợp

  • shoes with synthetic soles

    giày có đế tổng hợp

  • synthetic dyes

    thuốc nhuộm tổng hợp

  • Even the hair is synthetic.

    Ngay cả tóc cũng là tổng hợp.

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