Definition of suspected


nghi ngờ


The word "suspected" has its roots in the 14th century. It comes from the Old French word "soupçonner", which means "to suspect" or "to entertain a suspicion". This Old French word is derived from the Latin "supponere", which means "to put under" or "to suppose". The Latin "supponere" is a combination of "sub" (under) and "ponere" (to put). In the context of suspicion, "supponere" means "to put someone or something under suspicion", implying a notion of placing someone or something under one's mental gaze, much like a scientist might place a sample under a microscope. The word "suspected" has since evolved to encompass a range of meanings related to suspicion, distrust, or incrimination. Despite its origins in the 14th century, the word remains a staple in modern English, commonly used in various contexts, including law enforcement, detective work, and everyday conversation.


believed to have probably happened, although there is no definite proof

được cho là có thể đã xảy ra, mặc dù không có bằng chứng chắc chắn

  • a suspected broken arm

    một cánh tay bị nghi ngờ bị gãy

  • suspected tax evasion

    nghi ngờ trốn thuế

believed to be guilty of something, although there is no definite proof

được cho là có tội gì đó, mặc dù không có bằng chứng rõ ràng

  • suspected terrorists

    nghi phạm khủng bố

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