Definition of surplus


số dư


The roots of the word "surplus" can be traced back to the Middle English word "surplus," which in turn derives from the Old French word "superplus." This French word resulted from the combination of the prefix "super-" meaning "over" or "above," and the Latin word "plus" meaning "more" or "extra." The first recorded use of the word in English dates back to the 14th century, where it was commonly used to describe the amount of money, supplies, or resources that exceeded the requirements or obligations of a person, organization, or nation. In economics, the term surplus refers to the situation where the production or revenue of an economic entity, such as a company or a country, exceeds its expenses or consumption needs. This positive balance can arise due to various factors, such as increased productivity, price hikes, or reduced costs. Overall, the word "surplus" signifies a state of abundance or overabundance beyond what is necessary or essential. It connotes a degree of excess, abundance, or surfeit, which is often associated with good fortune, prosperity, or success.


an amount that is extra or more than you need

một số tiền nhiều hơn hoặc nhiều hơn mức bạn cần

  • food surpluses

    thức ăn dư thừa

  • Wheat was in surplus that year.

    Năm đó lúa mì dư thừa.

Extra examples:
  • a large grain surplus

    một lượng lớn ngũ cốc thặng dư

  • After meeting domestic needs any surplus will be exported.

    Sau khi đáp ứng nhu cầu trong nước, lượng dư thừa sẽ được xuất khẩu.

  • Agricultural surpluses lead to the disposal of thousands of tonnes of food every year.

    Thặng dư nông nghiệp dẫn đến việc thải bỏ hàng ngàn tấn thực phẩm mỗi năm.

  • This surplus of food led to an unusual increase in the bird population.

    Sự dư thừa thực phẩm này đã dẫn đến sự gia tăng bất thường về số lượng chim.

Related words and phrases

the amount by which the amount of money received is greater than the amount of money spent

số tiền mà số tiền nhận được lớn hơn số tiền chi tiêu

  • a surplus of £400 million

    thặng dư 400 triệu bảng

  • The balance of payments was in surplus last year (= the value of exports was greater than the value of imports).

    Cán cân thanh toán thặng dư vào năm ngoái (= giá trị xuất khẩu lớn hơn giá trị nhập khẩu).

Extra examples:
  • Japan runs a large current-account surplus.

    Nhật Bản có thặng dư tài khoản vãng lai lớn

  • The pension fund is in surplus.

    Quỹ hưu trí đang thặng dư.

  • a projected surplus of $5.6 trillion over ten years

    thặng dư dự kiến ​​là 5,6 nghìn tỷ USD trong 10 năm

Related words and phrases

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