Definition of suggestive


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The word "suggestive" originates from the Latin word "suggerere," meaning "to bring up, to hint, to propose." It came into English in the 16th century, initially meaning "to bring to mind" or "to imply." Over time, it acquired its more modern connotation of "arousing a particular feeling, idea, or image," particularly of a sexual nature. This shift is likely due to the inherent ambiguity of suggesting, which can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the context and the receiver's perception.


reminding you of something or making you think about something

nhắc nhở bạn về điều gì đó hoặc khiến bạn suy nghĩ về điều gì đó

  • music that is suggestive of warm summer days

    âm nhạc gợi nhớ những ngày hè ấm áp

making people think about sex

khiến mọi người nghĩ về tình dục

  • suggestive jokes

    truyện cười khêu gợi

  • to make suggestive remarks

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