Definition of suck


bú, hút, hấp thụ, tiếp thu


Definition of undefined

The word "suck" has a fascinating history. Its earliest recorded usage dates back to the 14th century, derived from the Old English verb "succan," which meant "to draw or pull" or "to suck or inhale." This verb was likely imitative of the sound of something being sucked or drawn in, such as a baby nursing or a pump sucking fluid. Over time, the meaning of "suck" expanded to include other connotations, like "to undergo or experience something unpleasant or undesirable" (e.g., "the movie was a real suck"). This secondary meaning emerged in the 17th century, and by the 19th century, "suck" had taken on its modern idiomatic usage in phrases like "suck it up" or "suck my" (a euphemistic expression for "suck my [body part]"). Today, "suck" remains a versatile and widely used word, with multiple meanings and applications in English language.


to take liquid, air, etc. into your mouth by using the muscles of your lips

đưa chất lỏng, không khí, v.v. vào miệng bằng cách sử dụng cơ môi

  • to suck the juice from an orange

    hút nước ép từ một quả cam

  • She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.

    Cô ấy đang ồn ào hút sữa bằng ống hút.

  • He sucked the blood from a cut on his finger.

    Anh ta hút máu từ vết cắt trên ngón tay.

to keep something in your mouth and pull on it with your lips and tongue

để giữ một cái gì đó trong miệng của bạn và kéo nó bằng môi và lưỡi của bạn

  • The baby sucked at its mother's breast.

    Đứa bé bú vú mẹ.

  • He sucked at the wound on his hand.

    Anh mút vết thương trên tay.

  • She sucked on a mint.

    Cô ấy mút một cây bạc hà.

  • She sucked a mint.

    Cô ấy mút một cây bạc hà.

  • Stop sucking your thumb!

    Đừng mút ngón tay cái của bạn nữa!

to take liquid, air, etc. out of something

lấy chất lỏng, không khí, vv ra khỏi cái gì đó

  • The pump sucks air out through the valve.

    Máy bơm hút không khí ra ngoài qua van.

  • Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry.

    Greenfly theo nghĩa đen có thể hút khô cây.

  • The machine sucks up mud and stones from the bottom of the pond.

    Máy hút bùn, đá từ đáy ao.

to pull somebody/something with great force in a particular direction

kéo ai/cái gì bằng một lực lớn theo một hướng cụ thể

  • The canoe was sucked down into the whirlpool.

    Chiếc ca nô bị hút vào xoáy nước.

  • The mud had sucked him in up to his waist.

    Bùn đã hút anh tới thắt lưng.

used to say that something is very bad

dùng để nói rằng điều gì đó rất tệ

  • Their new album sucks.

    Album mới của họ thật tệ.

Related words and phrases


milk/suck somebody/something dry
to get from somebody/something all the money, help, information, etc. they have, usually giving nothing in return
  • By earning millions from racing and giving pennies back, the bookmakers are sucking the sport dry.
  • suck it and see
    (British English, informal)used to say that the only way to know if something is suitable is to try it
    suck it up
    (informal)to accept something bad and deal with it well, controlling your emotions
    teach your grandmother to suck eggs
    (British English, informal)to tell or show somebody how to do something that they can already do well, and probably better than you can