Definition of straw


Rơm rạ


The word "straw" comes from the Old English word "strāw," which originally referred to the dry stem of a cereal grain, such as wheat or rye, that is left behind after the grain has been threshed and winnowed. The Old English word likely derives from an earlier Germanic language, as the Old High German word for straw was "strow," and the Old Saxon word was "strāu." In Old English, the term "straw" was also used to refer to the dry, brittle residue that remained in the threshing floor after grain had been threshed. This straw was often used as a bedding material, as its dry, fibrous nature made it a good insulator and provided some cushioning for animals. Over time, the use of the word "straw" has expanded to include any dry, flexible material that can be used for similar purposes, such as wheat straw, rice straw, and sugarcane stalks. Today, straw is widely used in agricultural and industrial contexts for applications as varied as bedding for livestock, packaging materials, and as a raw material in the production of products such as paper, textiles, and composite materials.


stems of wheat or other grain plants that have been cut and dried. Straw is used for making mats, hats, etc., for packing things to protect them, and as food for animals or for them to sleep on.

thân lúa mì hoặc các loại cây ngũ cốc khác đã được cắt và sấy khô. Rơm được sử dụng để làm chiếu, mũ, v.v., để đóng gói đồ đạc để bảo vệ chúng, làm thức ăn cho động vật hoặc để chúng ngủ.

  • a mattress filled with straw

    một tấm nệm chứa đầy rơm

  • a straw hat

    một chiếc mũ rơm

Extra examples:
  • The animals sleep on straw.

    Các con vật ngủ trên rơm.

  • The rat hid in the straw.

    Con chuột trốn trong đống rơm.

Related words and phrases

a single stem or piece of straw

một thân cây hoặc một mẩu rơm

  • He was leaning over the gate chewing on a straw.

    Anh ta đang tựa người vào cổng và nhai ống hút.

a thin tube of plastic or paper that you drink a liquid through

một ống nhựa hoặc giấy mỏng mà bạn uống chất lỏng qua

  • She drank her milkshake through a straw.

    Cô ấy uống sữa lắc bằng ống hút.


clutch/grasp at straws
to try all possible means to find a solution or some hope in a difficult or unpleasant situation, even though this seems very unlikely
  • I know I’m just clutching at straws here, but is it possible that the doctors are wrong?
  • draw the short straw
    to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task
  • I drew the short straw and had to clean the toilets.
  • draw straws (for something)
    to use a method of choosing somebody to do or have something in which each person takes a piece of paper, etc. from a container and the one whose paper has a special mark is chosen
  • We drew straws for who went first.
  • the last/final straw | the straw that breaks the camel’s back
    the last in a series of bad events, etc. that makes it impossible for you to accept a situation any longer
    make bricks without straw
    (British English)to try to work without the necessary material, money, information, etc.
    a straw in the wind
    (British English)a small sign of what might happen in the future