Definition of stomach


dạ dày


Definition of undefined

The word "stomach" originates from the Greek word "stomachos," which means "maw" or "gullet." In ancient Greek, the term referred not only to the physical organ but also to the act of eating or devouring. The Greek physician Galen (129-216 AD) used the term to describe the process of digestion. The Latin translation of "stomachos" is "stomachus," which was adopted into Middle English as "stomach" or "stomachly." The modern English word "stomach" refers specifically to the digestive organ, although it can also be used metaphorically to describe the emotional or mental ability to "digest" information or experiences. Throughout its evolution, the word "stomach" has retained its association with food, eating, and the process of digestion, reflecting the fundamental importance of these bodily functions in human life.


the organ inside the body where food goes when you eat it

cơ quan bên trong cơ thể nơi thức ăn đi đến khi bạn ăn nó

  • stomach pains/cramps

    đau bụng / chuột rút

  • an upset stomach

    đau bụng

  • a stomach upset

    đau bụng

  • It's not a good idea to drink (= alcohol) on an empty stomach (= without having eaten anything).

    Không nên uống (= rượu) khi bụng đói (= chưa ăn gì).

  • You shouldn't exercise on a full stomach.

    Bạn không nên tập thể dục khi bụng no.

Extra examples:
  • A feeling of nausea settled in her stomach.

    Một cảm giác buồn nôn ập đến trong bụng cô.

  • He had a hangover, so he ordered a sandwich to settle his stomach.

    Anh ấy cảm thấy nôn nao nên đã gọi một chiếc bánh sandwich để xoa dịu dạ dày.

  • He had a stomach upset.

    Anh ấy bị đau bụng.

  • He violently emptied the contents of his stomach.

    Anh ta thô bạo làm trống những gì chứa trong dạ dày.

  • Human remains were found among the stomach contents of the shark.

    Hài cốt người được tìm thấy trong dạ dày của cá mập.

  • I would get knots in my stomach because I was so scared.

    Tôi lo lắng đến thắt ruột vì quá sợ hãi.

  • It makes me sick to my stomach to hear such stupid attitudes.

    Tôi cảm thấy đau bụng khi nghe những thái độ ngu ngốc như vậy.

  • My stomach lurched as another big wave hit the boat.

    Bụng tôi quặn lên khi một cơn sóng lớn khác ập vào thuyền.

  • She's been off work with an upset stomach.

    Cô ấy nghỉ làm vì đau bụng.

  • The drug can cause mild stomach upset.

    Thuốc có thể gây khó chịu nhẹ ở dạ dày.

  • The pains in his stomach were becoming worse.

    Cơn đau ở bụng của anh ngày càng tệ hơn.

  • You shouldn't go to school on an empty stomach.

    Bạn không nên đến trường với cái bụng đói.

  • enzymes in the stomach

    enzyme trong dạ dày

  • the sound of my rumbling stomach

    âm thanh của dạ dày tôi đang sôi ùng ục

Related words and phrases

the front part of the body below the chest

phần trước của cơ thể bên dưới ngực

  • The attacker kicked him in the stomach.

    Kẻ tấn công đã đá vào bụng anh ta.

  • Lie on your stomach with your arms by your side.

    Nằm sấp với cánh tay ở bên cạnh.

  • They crawled along the ground on their stomachs.

    Họ bò dọc theo mặt đất bằng bụng.

  • exercises to strengthen the stomach muscles

    bài tập để tăng cường cơ bụng

Extra examples:
  • ‘I'm eating for two now!’ she said, patting her stomach.

    “Bây giờ tôi đang ăn cho hai người!” cô nói và vỗ nhẹ vào bụng.

  • He sucked in his stomach as he walked along the beach.

    Anh hóp bụng khi đi dọc bãi biển.

  • He was stabbed in the stomach during a street brawl.

    Anh ta bị đâm vào bụng trong một cuộc ẩu đả trên đường phố.

  • I lay on my stomach on the beach.

    Tôi nằm sấp trên bãi biển.

  • He had a flat stomach and a muscular chest.

    Anh ta có một cái bụng phẳng và một bộ ngực cơ bắp.


somebody’s eyes are bigger than their stomach
used to say that somebody has been greedy by taking more food than they can eat
have butterflies (in your stomach)
(informal)to have a nervous feeling in your stomach before doing something
  • I had butterflies in my stomach as I went to get my exam results.
  • have no stomach for something
    to not want to eat something
  • She had no stomach for the leftover stew.
  • to not have the desire or courage to do something
  • They had no stomach for a fight.
  • have a strong stomach
    to be able to see or do unpleasant things without feeling sick or upset
  • You need a strong stomach to go on the giant roller coaster.
  • the pit of your/the stomach
    the bottom of the stomach where people say they feel strong feelings, especially fear
  • He had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
  • I felt a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach when I saw the ambulance.
  • pump somebody’s stomach
    to remove the contents of somebody’s stomach using a pump, because they have swallowed something harmful
  • He had his stomach pumped after taking an overdose.
  • sick to your stomach
    feeling very angry or worried
  • Nora turned sick to her stomach on hearing this news.
  • It makes me sick to my stomach to hear such stupid attitudes.
  • feeling that you want to vomit
    turn your stomach
    to make you feel upset, sick or full of horror
  • Pictures of the burnt corpses turned my stomach.
  • The smell of the dead dog turned his stomach.