Definition of spur


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The word "spur" originally derives from the Old French word "espurre," meaning "spur" in English. This French word is believed to have come from the Vulgar Latin word "studera," which itself developed from the Latin word "ustibulum," meaning "heel" or "ankle band." The Latin word "ustibulum" originated from the Roman word for "lower part of the body," which was "sub," meaning "under," and "pila," meaning "ball" or "round thing." The Roman use of this term referred to a type of leather strap worn around the ankle or heel of a shoe, often decorated with a round or oval-shaped object, such as a stylized animal head or other decorative feature. In medieval Europe, this leather strap became a popular accessory for horseback riding, as it helped to prevent the rider's feet from slipping out of the stirrups during battle or other athletic pursuits. The French word "espurre" became anglicized to "spur" in Middle English during the 14th century, and it has remained in use in the English language ever since. In modern English, the word "spur" refers not only to the actual metal or plastic tips attached to the end of a rider's spurs but also more broadly to any incentive, encouragement, or motivator that prompts someone to take action or work harder. The idea behind this usage is that a rider might be prodded or "spurred on" by the threat or promise of a reward or challenge, just as a horse might be encouraged to move forward by the pricking sensation of a spur.


a sharp pointed object that riders sometimes wear on the heels of their boots and use to encourage their horse to go faster

một vật nhọn mà người cưỡi ngựa đôi khi đeo ở gót ủng và dùng để khuyến khích ngựa đi nhanh hơn

  • He dug his spurs into the horse’s sides.

    Anh ta cắm đinh thúc ngựa vào sườn ngựa.

a fact or an event that makes you want to do something better or more quickly

một sự thật hoặc một sự kiện khiến bạn muốn làm điều gì đó tốt hơn hoặc nhanh hơn

  • His speech was a powerful spur to action.

    Bài phát biểu của ông là một sự thúc đẩy mạnh mẽ để hành động.

  • A few encouraging words might provide just the spur she needs.

    Một vài lời khích lệ có thể mang lại động lực mà cô ấy cần.

  • The research provided a spur for reform.

    Nghiên cứu này đã tạo ra động lực thúc đẩy cải cách.

Related words and phrases

an area of high ground that sticks out from a mountain or hill

một vùng đất cao nhô ra khỏi núi hoặc đồi

a road or a railway track that leads from the main road or line

một con đường hoặc một tuyến đường sắt dẫn từ đường hoặc tuyến chính

Related words and phrases


on the spur of the moment
suddenly, without planning in advance
  • I phoned him up on the spur of the moment.
  • a spur-of-the-moment decision
  • win/earn your spurs
    (formal)to become famous or successful