Definition of spew


phun ra


The word "spew" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 14th century from the Old French word "espoier," which meant "to vomit" or "to provoke." This word was derived from the Latin "spuere," which is also the source of the English word "spit." In Middle English, the word "spew" referred specifically to the act of vomiting or casting up matter from the stomach. Over time, the meaning of "spew" expanded to include other senses, such as to emit or scatter something forcefully, like spewing forth flames or smoke. Today, the word "spew" can also be used figuratively to describe the act of speaking or writing intensely or vehemently, as if pouring out one's thoughts and emotions. Despite its evolution, the core idea of "spew" remains rooted in the idea of something being forced or vomited out.


to flow out quickly, or to make something flow out quickly, in large amounts

chảy ra nhanh chóng, hoặc làm cho cái gì đó chảy ra nhanh chóng, với số lượng lớn

  • Flames spewed from the aircraft's engine.

    Ngọn lửa phun ra từ động cơ máy bay.

  • Massive chimneys were spewing out smoke.

    Những ống khói khổng lồ đang phun khói.

to vomit (= bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth)

nôn (= đưa thức ăn từ dạ dày ra ngoài qua miệng)

  • He spewed up on the pavement.

    Anh ta nôn ra trên vỉa hè.

  • He makes me want to spew.

    Anh ấy làm tôi muốn nôn ra.

  • She spewed up the entire meal.

    Cô ấy nôn hết bữa ăn ra.