Definition of sorry


xin lỗi, lấy làm tiếc, lấy làm buồn


Definition of undefined

The word "sorry" has a long and interesting history. It originates from the Old English word "sorh," which means "pain" or "sorrow." In Middle English (circa 11th to 15th centuries), the word evolved to "sorow" and became synonymous with "shame" or "guilt." By the 16th century, the spelling and meaning of the word changed to "sorry," conveying regret, apology, or sorrow. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the word "sorry" was often used to express both physical and emotional pain. For example, "I'm sorry for my wounded arm" or "I'm sorry for my sorrowful news." Over time, the phrase "I'm sorry" became a common way to apologize or express condolence, and is now used in over 100 languages. Despite its evolution, the core meaning of "sorry" has remained connected to feelings of regret, remorse, and empathy.


feeling sad and ashamed about something that has been done

cảm thấy buồn và xấu hổ về điều gì đó đã được thực hiện

  • We're very sorry about the damage to your car.

    Chúng tôi rất tiếc về sự hư hỏng cho chiếc xe của bạn.

  • I'm sorry about the mess—I haven't had a chance to tidy up yet.

    Tôi xin lỗi về sự lộn xộn này—tôi chưa có cơ hội dọn dẹp.

  • She is obviously deeply sorry for what she has done.

    Rõ ràng là cô ấy vô cùng hối hận vì những gì mình đã làm.

  • We are sorry for the delay and hope the train will be moving again shortly.

    Chúng tôi xin lỗi vì sự chậm trễ và hy vọng tàu sẽ sớm di chuyển trở lại.

  • He says he's really sorry for taking the car without asking.

    Anh ấy nói rằng anh ấy thực sự xin lỗi vì đã lấy xe mà không hỏi ý kiến.

  • She was sorry that she'd lost her temper.

    Cô rất tiếc vì đã mất bình tĩnh.

  • I am so sorry that this happened.

    Tôi rất tiếc vì điều này đã xảy ra.

  • If you say you're sorry we'll forgive you.

    Nếu bạn nói rằng bạn xin lỗi, chúng tôi sẽ tha thứ cho bạn.

feeling sad and showing sympathy

cảm thấy buồn và thể hiện sự cảm thông

  • I'm sorry that your husband lost his job.

    Tôi rất tiếc vì chồng bạn đã mất việc.

  • We're sorry to hear that your father's in hospital again.

    Chúng tôi rất tiếc khi biết rằng bố bạn lại phải nằm viện.

  • I was sorry to see him go.

    Tôi rất tiếc khi thấy anh ấy đi.

  • No one is sorrier than I am about what happened.

    Không ai buồn hơn tôi về những gì đã xảy ra.

  • I am sorry about the way Dad treated you.

    Tôi xin lỗi về cách bố đối xử với bạn.

  • I'm sorry about your mother. I do hope she'll soon be feeling better.

    Tôi rất tiếc về mẹ của bạn. Tôi hy vọng cô ấy sẽ sớm cảm thấy tốt hơn.

  • I'm very sorry for your loss (= expressing sympathy when somebody has died).

    Tôi rất tiếc vì sự mất mát của bạn (= bày tỏ sự cảm thông khi ai đó đã chết).

feeling disappointed about something and wishing you had done something different or had not done something

cảm thấy thất vọng về điều gì đó và ước mình đã làm điều gì đó khác biệt hoặc chưa làm điều gì đó

  • She was sorry that she'd lost contact with Mary.

    Cô ấy rất tiếc vì đã mất liên lạc với Mary.

  • I'll make you sorry you were ever born!

    Tôi sẽ làm cho bạn hối tiếc vì bạn đã từng được sinh ra!

  • You'll be sorry if I catch you!

    Bạn sẽ rất tiếc nếu tôi bắt được bạn!

  • I was genuinely sorry to be leaving college.

    Tôi thực sự rất tiếc khi phải rời trường đại học.

  • She was almost sorry to stop work.

    Cô gần như xin lỗi để ngừng làm việc.

very sad or bad, especially making you feel pity or disapproval

rất buồn hoặc tồi tệ, đặc biệt là làm cho bạn cảm thấy thương hại hoặc không tán thành

  • The business is in a sorry state.

    Việc kinh doanh đang ở trong tình trạng tồi tệ.

  • They were a sorry sight when they eventually got off the boat.

    Họ là một cảnh tượng đáng tiếc khi cuối cùng họ đã rời khỏi thuyền.


be/feel sorry for somebody
to be sad or feel sympathy for somebody
  • He decided to help Jan as he felt sorry for her.
  • better safe than sorry
    (saying)used to say that it is wiser to be too careful than to act too quickly and do something you may later wish you had not
  • She decided to avoid travelling at night. Better safe than sorry.
  • feel sorry for yourself
    (informal, disapproving)to feel unhappy; to be sad about yourself because you are suffering
  • Stop feeling sorry for yourself and think about other people for a change.
  • Mitch felt slightly sorry for himself.
  • I’m sorry
    used when you are apologizing for something
  • I'm sorry, I forgot.
  • Oh, I'm sorry. Have I taken the one you wanted?
  • I'm sorry. I can't make it tomorrow.
  • I'm sorry to interrupt but there's an urgent call for you.
  • used for disagreeing with somebody or politely saying ‘no’
  • I'm sorry, I don't agree.
  • I'm sorry, I'd rather you didn't go.
  • used for introducing bad news
  • I'm sorry to have to tell you you've failed.
  • I’m sorry to say
    used for saying that something is disappointing
  • He didn't accept the job, I'm sorry to say.