Definition of sniff


bị nghẹt mũi


The word "sniff" originated in Old English, where it was spelled as "snifan" or "snifan." It came from the Old English verb "snifan," which meant "to smell" or "to inhale through the nose." The Old English root "snif-" is of uncertain origin, but it is believed to be a borrowing from the Germanic language, which is related to Old English. The Germanic word "snifian" also meant "to smell" or "to inhale through the nose." The verb "sniff" had several meanings in Old English. It could mean "to smell" or "to seek out a scent by smelling," as in the hound's act of searching for game. It could also mean "to smoke" or "to inhale tobacco smoke," as in the phrasing "he sniffed a pipe." Over time, the meaning of "sniff" evolved to include the sense of "to smell something with curiosity or suspicion," as in the modern usage of "she sniffed the air suspiciously." It also came to mean "to take small, quick sips," as in the expression "he sniffed his drink." The use of "sniff" to mean "to do drugs by inhaling through the nose" is a more recent development, particularly with the rise of cocaine and other such substances in the 20th century. Overall, the origin of "sniff" can be traced back to its Old English roots, where it had multiple meanings that have evolved and adapted over time in the English language.


to breathe air in through your nose in a way that makes a sound, especially when you are crying, have a cold, etc.

hít không khí qua mũi theo cách tạo ra âm thanh, đặc biệt là khi bạn khóc, bị cảm lạnh, v.v.

  • We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.

    Tất cả chúng tôi đều bị cảm lạnh và không thể ngừng ngửi và hắt hơi.

  • She sniffed a little and dabbed at her eyes.

    Cô khụt khịt một chút rồi dụi mắt.

Extra examples:
  • The woman sniffed back her tears.

    Người phụ nữ nuốt nước mắt.

  • He sniffed loudly and continued to weep.

    Anh khụt khịt mũi và tiếp tục khóc.

  • She sniffed and wiped her nose with a tissue.

    Cô sụt sịt và lau mũi bằng khăn giấy.

to breathe air in through the nose in order to discover or enjoy the smell of something

hít không khí qua mũi để khám phá hoặc thưởng thức mùi của cái gì đó

  • sniffing the fresh morning air

    hít thở không khí trong lành buổi sáng

  • to sniff glue

    ngửi keo

  • The dog sniffed at my shoes.

    Con chó ngửi giày của tôi.

  • He sniffed appreciatively. ‘Smells delicious. What is it?’

    Anh khịt mũi tán thưởng. 'Mùi thơm ngon. Nó là gì?'

Related words and phrases

to say something in a way that shows that you are annoyed, unhappy or not satisfied or that you do not approve of somebody/something

nói điều gì đó theo cách thể hiện rằng bạn đang khó chịu, không vui hoặc không hài lòng hoặc bạn không tán thành ai đó/điều gì đó

  • ‘It's hardly what I'd call elegant,’ she sniffed.

    “Tôi khó có thể gọi đó là sự thanh lịch,” cô khịt mũi.


not to be sniffed/sneezed at
(informal)good enough to be accepted or considered seriously
  • In those days, $20 was not a sum to be sniffed at.