Definition of smitten


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The word "smitten" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. It comes from the verb "smiten," which means "to strike" or "to hit." In Old English, the phrase "smiten with love" or "smitten in love" referred to being suddenly and forcefully struck by romantic feelings. This sense of being smitten was often associated with Cupid's arrows, striking victims with love. In the 14th century, the verb "to smiten" evolved to mean "to be struck or affected by a strong emotion, often in a sudden and overwhelming way." Over time, the phrase "to be smitten" became synonymous with being infatuated, enamored, or greatly attracted to someone or something. Today, the word "smitten" is commonly used to describe the initial, intense Romantic feeling, often characterized by powerful emotional attraction and a sense of being swept off one's feet.


suddenly feeling that you are in love with somebody

đột nhiên cảm thấy rằng bạn đang yêu ai đó

  • From the moment they met, he was completely smitten by her.

    Ngay từ lần đầu gặp mặt, anh đã hoàn toàn bị cô mê hoặc.

severely affected by a feeling, disease, etc.

bị ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng bởi một cảm giác, bệnh tật, v.v.

  • She was suddenly smitten with remorse.

    Cô đột nhiên cảm thấy hối hận.

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