Definition of slush


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The word "slush" originated in the 17th century, and it originally referred to something that was melted, as opposed to solid. This term was commonly used in the context of snow or ice that had melted due to the warmth of the sun or intensive foot traffic. The word "slush" can be traced back to the Old English word "sluiθe", which means "slop" or "liquid mud". This word, in turn, is believed to have originated from the Old Norse word "sluþr", which denoted a similar concept. In the mid-18th century, "slush" came to be more specifically associated with melted snow or ice, as the growing abundance of horse-drawn carriages and immaculate sidewalks made it a major concern for maintaining cleanliness in urban environments. Today, we commonly use "slush" to describe a drink that is made by blending ice, water, and flavored syrup, although in some regions it also refers to a slushy snow-ice mixture found on the ground.


partly melted snow that is usually dirty

Tuyết tan một phần và thường bẩn

  • In the city the clean white snow had turned to grey slush.

    Trong thành phố, tuyết trắng sạch đã chuyển sang màu xám xịt.

  • There was dirty brown slush all over the roads and pavements.

    Có bùn màu nâu bẩn trên khắp các con đường và vỉa hè.

stories, films or feelings that are considered to be silly and without value because they are too emotional and romantic

những câu chuyện, bộ phim hoặc những cảm xúc bị cho là ngớ ngẩn và không có giá trị vì quá xúc động và lãng mạn

  • Her novels are full of sentimental slush.

    Tiểu thuyết của cô đầy tình cảm.

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