Definition of slot




The word "slot" has multiple meanings and origins, but in the context of gambling and slots machines, its use can be traced back to the late 19th century. The slot machine, as we know it today, was invented in New York in 1891 by Sittman and Pitt. The machine featured five spinning reels with card symbols from a traditional deck. The objective was to match certain symbols to win prizes. However, it wasn't until the early 1900s that the slot machine industry began to take off. Manufacturers such as Mills Novelty Company and the Bell-Fruit Gum Company created similar machines but with a twist. Instead of prizes, these machines offered token gifts, such as gum or tattoos. The term "slot" for these machines is believed to stem from the way the slot was created to accept a slot-shaped coin, which became the standard for modern coin-operated machines. These slots allowed coins of a specific size and shape, ensuring the correct payment was made and facilitating the smooth operation of the machine. The use of the term "slot machine" became more popular in the 1950s, with the introduction of automated payouts and electronic features. As the technology behind slots evolved and the popularity of the games continued to increase, the term "slot" became synonymous with the gaming industry. Today, slots are one of the most popular casino games, both online and offline. The word "slot" continues to evolve, with the introduction of video slots, progressive slots, and virtual reality slots changing the way people play and enjoy these games. In summary, the origin of the word "slot" in the context of gambling and slots machines can be traced back to the creation of the first coin-operated machines, which required a specially designed slot to receive a specific size and shape of coin. It has since become synonymous with the gaming industry, representing a whole range of exciting and innovative games that continue to attract players worldwide.


a long, narrow opening, into which you put or fit something

một lỗ dài và hẹp, nơi bạn đặt hoặc nhét thứ gì đó vào

  • to put some coins in the slot

    để đặt một số đồng xu vào khe

Extra examples:
  • He slid a coin into the slot of the jukebox.

    Anh ta nhét một đồng xu vào khe của máy hát tự động.

  • The electricity was on a slot meter.

    Điện đã có trên đồng hồ đo khe cắm.

Related words and phrases

a position, a time or an opportunity for somebody/something, for example in a list, a programme of events or a series of broadcasts

một vị trí, một thời điểm hoặc một cơ hội cho ai đó/cái gì đó, ví dụ như trong một danh sách, một chương trình sự kiện hoặc một loạt chương trình phát sóng

  • He has a regular slot on the late-night programme.

    Anh ấy thường xuyên có suất tham gia chương trình đêm khuya.

  • Their album has occupied the Number One slot for the past six weeks.

    Album của họ đã chiếm giữ vị trí Number One trong sáu tuần qua.

  • the airport’s take-off and landing slots

    nơi cất cánh và hạ cánh của sân bay

Extra examples:
  • They have a prime time slot on national radio.

    Họ có khung giờ vàng trên đài phát thanh quốc gia.

  • We need something to fill a thirty-minute slot in the late evening.

    Chúng ta cần thứ gì đó để lấp đầy khoảng thời gian ba mươi phút vào buổi tối muộn.