Definition of slack




The word "slack" has its roots in Old English and Old Norse. In Old English, "slac" or "slak" meant "lazy" or "idling," while in Old Norse, "slaka" meant "to be loose" or "to be relaxed." The modern English word "slack" emerged in the 14th century, initially meaning "to be idle" or "to waste time." Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved, and by the 16th century, "slack" was used to describe something that was loose or lacking in tension, such as a rope or a fabric. In the 20th century, the term "slack" took on new meanings in the context of computing, project management, and other fields. For example, "slack" might refer to the time or resources available between tasks or projects, or it could describe a lack of tension or resistance in a system or process. Despite its evolution, the word "slack" remains linked to its ancient roots, evoking notions of relaxation, idleness, and a sense of freedom.


not stretched tight

không bị căng chặt

  • She was staring into space, her mouth slack.

    Cô ấy đang nhìn chằm chằm vào khoảng không, miệng mím lại.

  • The rope suddenly went slack.

    Sợi dây đột nhiên buông lỏng.

  • slack muscles

    cơ bắp chùng xuống

  • Let the reins go slack.

    Hãy để dây cương lỏng lẻo.

Related words and phrases

not having many customers or sales; not busy

không có nhiều khách hàng hoặc doanh số bán hàng; không bận rộn

  • a slack period

    một thời kỳ nhàn nhã

  • Wednesdays are always slack.

    Thứ Tư luôn luôn nhàn nhã.

  • slack demand for beef

    nhu cầu thịt bò giảm

Extra examples:
  • The antiques business remained slack.

    Việc kinh doanh đồ cổ vẫn ì ạch.

  • This season has been pretty slack for local hotels so far.

    Cho đến nay, mùa này khá ảm đạm đối với các khách sạn địa phương.

not putting enough care, attention or energy into something and so not doing it well enough

không dành đủ sự quan tâm, chú ý hoặc năng lượng vào việc gì đó và do đó làm việc đó không đủ tốt

  • He's been very slack in his work lately.

    Gần đây anh ấy rất lười biếng trong công việc.

  • Discipline in the classroom is very slack.

    Kỷ luật trong lớp học rất lỏng lẻo.

  • We lost because of some slack defending on our part.

    Chúng tôi thua vì phòng ngự lỏng lẻo.

  • She knew she had been very slack in her church attendance recently.

    Cô biết gần đây cô rất lười đi nhà thờ.