Definition of sick leave

sick leavenoun

sự nghỉ bệnh, kì nghỉ bệnh


Definition of undefined

The term "sick leave" arose in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, coinciding with the rise of industrialization and the need for standardized employee benefits. It combines the words "sick" (referring to illness) and "leave" (meaning time off from work). The concept of paid time off for illness existed before the term "sick leave" emerged, often referred to as "sick pay" or "sick days." However, the term "sick leave" gained popularity as a more formal and comprehensive term for a defined period of paid absence due to illness.


leave of absence granted because of illness

được phép nghỉ phép vì bệnh

  • he took a week's sick leave

    anh ấy đã nghỉ ốm một tuần

  • she was on sick leave for two months

    cô ấy đã nghỉ ốm trong hai tháng