Definition of seven




The origin of the word "seven" can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language, which is considered the ancient ancestor of many modern European and Indian languages. In PIE, the number seven was represented by the root word "septm," which meant "to divide" or "to cut." As the PIE languages evolved, the meaning of the word "seven" changed slightly in different dialects. For example, in Old English (spoken around AD 450-1050), the word for seven was "sibben," which is said to have derived from the PIE root "septm" combined with a suffix meaning "entire." In Old Norse (spoken around AD 800-1300), the word for seven was "seven," a direct descendant of the PIE root "septm." In Old High German (spoken in the 6th to 9th centuries AD), the word for seven was "seben," also a direct descendant of "septm." The modern English word "seven" is however derived from the Old Norse word, as Old English borrowed the term from Old Norse when the two languages came into contact following the Viking invasions of England in the 9th century AD. Overall, the word "seven" represents an intriguing example of the ways in which words and language evolve over time, from their origins in ancient proto-languages to the modern-day terminology we use today.

  • There are seven colors in a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

    Có bảy màu trong cầu vồng: đỏ, cam, vàng, lục, lam, chàm và tím.

  • I scored seven points in the basketball game last night.

    Tôi đã ghi được bảy điểm trong trận bóng rổ tối qua.

  • There are seven wonders of the world, including the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Colosseum.

    Có bảy kỳ quan thế giới, bao gồm Kim tự tháp Giza và Đấu trường La Mã.

  • The seventh inning stretch is a tradition in baseball where the audience stands up and stretches their legs.

    Việc kéo dài hiệp đấu thứ bảy là một truyền thống trong bóng chày khi khán giả đứng dậy và duỗi chân.

  • Seven is considered a lucky number in many cultures, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Irish.

    Số bảy được coi là con số may mắn ở nhiều nền văn hóa như Trung Quốc, Nhật Bản và Ireland.

  • There were seven dwarfs in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, and Dopey.

    Có bảy chú lùn trong Nàng Bạch Tuyết và bảy chú lùn: Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy và Dopey.

  • The number seven is often used as a symbol of completeness, as in "the seven seas" or "the seven hills of Rome."

    Con số bảy thường được dùng như biểu tượng của sự trọn vẹn, như trong "bảy biển" hoặc "bảy ngọn đồi của Rome".

  • Seven is a prime number, which has only two factors: one and itself.

    Bảy là số nguyên tố chỉ có hai ước: một và chính nó.

  • The seventh wave is often larger than the previous ones, as seen in coastal erosion or in the opera Wagner's The Ring of the Nibelung.

    Làn sóng thứ bảy thường lớn hơn những làn sóng trước, như có thể thấy trong hiện tượng xói mòn bờ biển hoặc trong vở opera The Ring of the Nibelung của Wagner.

  • When you count the number of toys or candies you received, you might say, "I got seven! That's awesome!"

    Khi đếm số đồ chơi hoặc kẹo nhận được, bạn có thể nói, "Con được bảy cái! Thật tuyệt!"


at sixes and sevens
(informal)in a confused state; not well organized
  • I haven't had time to clear up, so I'm all at sixes and sevens.
  • the seven-year itch
    (informal, humorous)the desire for new sexual experience that is thought to be felt after seven years of marriage