Definition of itch




The origin of the word "itch" can be traced back to the Old English word "īcan," which meant "to move restlessly" or "to be irritated." This root word can also be found in modern English words such as "tickle" and "strictly." In context of an itch, the word "itch" referred specifically to insect bites or infestations that caused irritation and restlessness. The Old English word "īcan" evolved over time into the Middle English word "eecen," which eventually became "etchen," the Old Norse word for "itch." This borrowed word then joined the English vocabulary in the 13th century. The modern form of the word "itch" first appeared in the 14th century, and its meanings expanded beyond just insect bites to include any kind of irritation or uneasiness, such as a transmission in motion or an itch for knowledge. Today, the word "itch" continues to be used in its original context as well as more broadly to describe any uncomfortable or irritating sensation.


to have an uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch (= rub your skin with your nails); to make your skin feel like this

có cảm giác khó chịu trên da khiến bạn muốn gãi (= chà xát da bằng móng tay); để làm cho làn da của bạn cảm thấy như thế này

  • I itch all over.

    Tôi ngứa khắp người.

  • Does the rash itch?

    Phát ban có ngứa không?

  • This sweater really itches.

    Chiếc áo len này thực sự ngứa.

to want to do something very much

muốn làm điều gì đó rất nhiều

  • The crowd was itching for a fight.

    Đám đông nóng lòng muốn đánh nhau.

  • He's itching to get back to work.

    Anh ấy đang nóng lòng muốn quay lại làm việc.

Extra examples:
  • He was itching for a chance to show how good he was.

    Anh ấy đang khao khát có cơ hội để thể hiện mình giỏi như thế nào.

  • Her fingers positively itched with the desire to slap his face.

    Những ngón tay cô ngứa ngáy thực sự muốn tát vào mặt anh.

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