Definition of sealer


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The word "sealer" stems from the Old English word "sēlan," meaning "to seal." This word, in turn, derives from the Proto-Germanic word "sēlijan," which shares a root with the Latin word "sigillum," meaning "seal." The concept of "sealing" has been around for centuries, used to describe the act of closing something tightly to prevent leaks or entry. Over time, the word "sealer" evolved to specifically describe substances used for this purpose, like sealants or adhesives.


a substance that is put onto a surface to stop air, water, etc. from entering or escaping from it

một chất được đặt lên một bề mặt để ngăn không khí, nước, v.v. xâm nhập hoặc thoát ra khỏi bề mặt đó

a person who hunts seals

một người săn hải cẩu

a ship used for hunting seals

một con tàu dùng để săn hải cẩu

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