Definition of sanitary


vệ sinh


The word "sanitary" originated in the 17th century from the Latin word "sanitas," meaning health. Initially, it referred to anything related to health or hygiene. In the mid-19th century, with the rapid growth of urbanization and urban sanitation issues, the term took on a new meaning. It began to describe facilities, systems, and practices designed to promote public health and prevent the spread of disease. In 1867, the United States Sanitary Commission was established to improve sanitation conditions during the American Civil War. The commission's efforts led to the development of modern water and sewage systems, and the term "sanitary" became associated with these advancements. Today, "sanitary" is commonly used to describe toilets, showers, sinks, and other fixtures designed to ensure personal hygiene and public health.


connected with keeping places clean and healthy to live in, especially by removing human waste

liên quan đến việc giữ gìn nơi ở sạch sẽ và lành mạnh, đặc biệt là bằng cách loại bỏ chất thải của con người

  • Overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions led to disease in the refugee camps.

    Tình trạng quá tải và điều kiện vệ sinh kém đã dẫn đến bệnh tật ở các trại tị nạn.

  • The hut had no cooking or sanitary facilities.

    Trong túp lều không có tiện nghi nấu nướng hay vệ sinh.

clean; not likely to cause health problems

sạch sẽ; không có khả năng gây ra vấn đề sức khỏe

  • The new houses were more sanitary than the old ones had been.

    Những ngôi nhà mới vệ sinh hơn những ngôi nhà cũ.

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