Definition of salute


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The word "salute" originated from the Latin word "salutāre," which means "to be well" or "to greet." It was derived from the root word "salus," which translates to "health" or "welfare." In ancient Roman times, a salute was a simple gesture used as a formal greeting which involved raising your right hand with fingers extended, as a way to show that you carried no weapons. This gesture was a symbol of friendliness, trust, and respect. The Romans also used salutes as a military formality, as a way to show loyalty and obedience to their superiors. The word "salute" came into the English language in the 14th century, at a time when the Normans occupied England. The Normans brought with them the Latin-derived word "salutare," which was then adopted into Middle English as "salut." Over time, the meaning of the word evolved, and it came to be associated with a formal greeting, especially in military contexts, where it was used to acknowledge a superior's rank or to signify the beginning or end of military exercises. Today, the word "salute" is still used in military contexts, as well as in everyday language to express gratitude or respect. It has taken on a broader meaning, referring to any formal or polite gesture, such as tipped hats or raised glasses at a toast. Its roots in Latin, however, still endure, as it has not lost its original meaning of wishing someone good health and fortune.


to touch the side of your head with the fingers of your right hand to show respect, especially in the armed forces

chạm vào một bên đầu bằng các ngón tay của bàn tay phải để thể hiện sự tôn trọng, đặc biệt là trong lực lượng vũ trang

  • The sergeant stood to attention and saluted.

    Người trung sĩ đứng nghiêm và chào.

  • to salute the flag/an officer

    chào cờ/một sĩ quan

to show that you respect and admire somebody/something

để thể hiện rằng bạn tôn trọng và ngưỡng mộ ai đó/cái gì đó

  • The players saluted the fans before leaving the field.

    Các cầu thủ chào người hâm mộ trước khi rời sân.

  • The president saluted the courage of those who had fought for their country.

    Tổng thống ca ngợi lòng dũng cảm của những người đã chiến đấu vì đất nước của họ.

  • He saluted Pippa with a graceful bend of his head.

    Anh ấy cúi đầu duyên dáng chào Pippa.

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