Definition of rushed


vội vã


The word "rushed" comes from the Old English word "ruscian," meaning "to rush" or "to move quickly." The word itself likely originated from the sound of rushing water or wind, reflecting the speed and force of the movement. Over time, the word evolved to describe any type of rapid or hurried movement. It can be used to describe physical movement, like a "rushed" delivery, or to describe a feeling of being hurried, like feeling "rushed" during a busy day.

  • Sarah rushed to catch her train before it left the station.

    Sarah vội vã chạy đến đón chuyến tàu trước khi nó rời ga.

  • The doctor rushed into the operating room to perform an emergency surgery.

    Bác sĩ vội vã vào phòng phẫu thuật để thực hiện ca phẫu thuật khẩn cấp.

  • Mike rushed to the grocery store to buy some bread, as he had Run out of it.

    Mike vội vã chạy đến cửa hàng tạp hóa để mua bánh mì vì anh đã hết bánh mì.

  • The police rushed to the scene of the accident as soon as they received the call.

    Cảnh sát đã nhanh chóng đến hiện trường vụ tai nạn ngay khi nhận được cuộc gọi.

  • Emily rushed through the crowded mall to reach her destination on time.

    Emily vội vã chạy qua trung tâm thương mại đông đúc để đến đích đúng giờ.

  • The delivery man rushed to deliver the package before the rain started pouring.

    Người giao hàng đã nhanh chóng giao hàng trước khi trời đổ mưa.

  • The students rushed to complete their assignments before the deadline.

    Các sinh viên vội vã hoàn thành bài tập trước thời hạn.

  • Robert rushed to the airport to catch his international flight.

    Robert vội vã đến sân bay để kịp chuyến bay quốc tế.

  • The firefighters rushed to extinguish the raging fire that had broken out in the city.

    Lực lượng cứu hỏa đã nhanh chóng dập tắt đám cháy dữ dội bùng phát trong thành phố.

  • The chef rushed to prepare the dinner for the important guests who were expected to arrive soon.

    Đầu bếp vội vã chuẩn bị bữa tối cho những vị khách quan trọng dự kiến ​​sẽ sớm đến.

Related words and phrases


be rushed/run off your feet
to be extremely busy; to have too many things to do
  • Weekdays are slow in the restaurant, but at weekends the staff are rushed off their feet.