Definition of rook




The origins of the word "rook" can be traced back to the Middle English word "roke", which meant a young bird. Specifically, the word "rooke" was used to describe a young crow or rook, which is a type of bird belonging to the genus Corvus. The word "rook" came to be associated with the piece in the game of chess because, in the Middle Ages, the piece was originally carved in the shape of a rook or tall bird, possibly a crane or falcon. Eventually, the word "rook" became adopted specifically for this piece in the game of chess. The earliest known use of the word "rook" in this context can be found in a work from the 15th century called Liber Abdacus, which featured rules for playing a similar game to chess. In this work, the piece was referred to as the "rook" or "roochebaasche" which translates roughly to "crow's piebald". Over time, the association between the bird and the chess piece became less literal, as the carving of bird-shaped pieces fell out of fashion, and the shapes and materials of the chess pieces shifted to more standardised forms. Nevertheless, the name "rook" has remained as a nod to its origin in the game's early history. The word "rook" also has other meanings in various contexts, depending on the dialect, which can sometimes cause confusion. For example, in Scots, "rook" can refer to a swindle or trick, perhaps due to the bird's reputation for stealing food. In Irish English, "rook" can be used to mean a young scrawny looking male, possibly due to the Christian practice of calling young priests "rooks" until they matured. Despite these secondary definitions, the most widespread usage of "rook" today is undoubtedly in the context of the chess piece, where it has become deeply ingrained in the game's traditional vocabulary. The name "rook" continues to be used worldwide, as players of all ages and abilities study and evolve the centuries-old game that owes its very name to the flight of a young crow.


a large black bird of the crow family. Rooks build their nests in groups at the tops of trees.

một con chim đen lớn của gia đình quạ Rooks xây tổ theo nhóm trên ngọn cây.

any of the four pieces placed in the corner squares of the board at the start of the game, usually made to look like a castle

bất kỳ quân nào trong số bốn quân được đặt ở các ô vuông góc của bàn cờ khi bắt đầu trò chơi, thường được làm trông giống như một lâu đài

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