Definition of roaring


ầm ầm


The word "roaring" comes from the Old English word "rēorian," meaning "to cry out, roar, bellow." This word, in turn, is related to the Proto-Germanic word "rōdjōn," with a similar meaning. The sound of the word itself imitates the loud, deep sound of a roar, suggesting its origin in mimicking the sounds of animals. Over time, "roaring" expanded to encompass other loud noises and even expressions of strong emotion, making it a versatile and expressive word.


making a continuous loud deep noise

tạo ra một tiếng động sâu lớn liên tục

  • All we could hear was the sound of roaring water.

    Tất cả những gì chúng tôi có thể nghe thấy là tiếng nước chảy ầm ầm.

burning with a lot of flames and heat

cháy với rất nhiều ngọn lửa và sức nóng

  • There was a roaring fire in the grate, piled high with logs.

    Ngọn lửa đang bùng cháy trong lò sưởi, chất đầy những khúc gỗ.


do a roaring trade (in something)
(informal)to sell a lot of something very quickly
  • The ice-cream vendors were doing a roaring trade.
  • roaring drunk
    extremely drunk and noisy
  • He rolled home roaring drunk at 3 o’clock in the morning.
  • a roaring success
    (informal)a very great success
  • The latest Disneyland has been a roaring success.