Definition of rigging


giàn khoan


The word "rigging" has its origins in the 14th century. Initially, it referred to the ropes, cables, and pulleys used to adjust the sails, masts, and yards of a ship. These rigging components allowed sailors to control the direction and tension of the sails, enabling the ship to harness wind power for propulsion. Over time, the term "rigging" expanded to include the overall system of ropes, wires, and mechanisms used to support and maneuver ships, as well as other structures like buildings or bridges. Today, "rigging" can also refer to the process of preparing or adapting something, such as a sail or a stage, for use or performance.


the ropes that support the masts and sails of a boat or ship

những sợi dây thừng hỗ trợ cột buồm và cánh buồm của thuyền hoặc tàu

the act of influencing something in a dishonest way in order to get the result that you want

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